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Club fairs, new articles, and interest forms, oh my!

Froshies and non froshies alike, have you saved the date yet for the Student Involvement Fair, happening this Friday, Sept 13th (spooky), from 3:30-5:30???!!?? If not SAVE IT RIGHT NOW!! Maybe you have yet to discover what a G-cal can do for your life, but this would be a great time to get on that.

Why should you come? Because WESLEYING WILL BE THERE!!! Along with many many other cool student groups on campus that you should check out. There will be a sick ass poster (that I still haven't made yet but just trust), a sick ass managing editor, and sick ass answers for all your wesleying related questions.

Can't come to the club fair?? Fill out this form to be included on future emails, join the Wesleying team, or just leave an article suggestion. You can also find the link to our form here, or also here if you couldn't find the other three links in this paragraph. FILL OUT THE FORM!!!!! please.

We've also got some new articles up, featuring some of our greatest past Wesleying hits. Check out one of our most viewed articles of all time, the Orgasm Chronicles, or explore the fascinating History of the Douglas Cannon, Ben Shapiro's thoughts on Wesleyan liberal sex zombies, groundhogs, or Rothhead calculations. All of these are on our homepage, and more will be coming soon! Have other articles you want reposted on the site or ideas for new articles? Email us at, or DM us on IG @wesleying.

See you Friday!

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